


Parenting is Not Just a Moral Duty; It's Your Legal Obligation

Welcome to Plan di Mayor

Prioritizing Your Children’s Well-Being in Every Decision

Plan di Mayor is your definitive guide to compassionate, child-focused co-parenting. Navigate the intricacies of separation while ensuring your child’s well-being is at the forefront and comply with the law.


Parenting is Not Just a Moral Duty; It's Your Legal Obligation

Welcome to Plan di Mayor

Prioritizing Your Children’s Well-Being in Every Decision

Plan di Mayor is your definitive guide to compassionate, child-focused co-parenting. Navigate the intricacies of separation while ensuring your child’s well-being is at the forefront and comply with the law.


Learn more about Plan di mayor

What Is Plan di Mayor?

what is a child conversation?

Join us in our mission to support continued parenting and prevent negative impacts on children after a Separation

What we do:

Help You Understand your Duties When Separating

Help mothers, fathers, legal guardians and direct caretakers facing separation their legal responsabilities toward the children affected

Make proper assessments: Each Family is Different

Each family is different, and Plan di Mayor recognizes this. Discover how we tailor our approach to meet your family’s individual needs.

Assist and resolve through Mediation & Guidance

With the signing of a mediation agreement, sessions begin to address and resolve each identified issue. Each meeting lasts 1.5 to 2 hours, with constant updates via an Actions and Agreements List.

Achieve mutually binding parental agreements and advocacy.

Once an agreement is reached, a parenting plan is drawn up and legally ratified. This plan serves as a roadmap for collaborative parenting, with enforceable actions and responsibilities. We also raise awareness to educate parents and lobby with law makers to uphold childrens rights to healthy and safe environments during separations.

Your Morality, Their Reality

Beyond the legal implications, it’s a moral imperative for every parent to prioritize their children’s well-being. By providing a stable, nurturing environment, you are setting the stage for your children to grow into well-rounded, healthy adults. Our structured phases include open dialogues and thorough planning.

Navigating the Legal Landscape

The law is clear: parents and/or legal guardians have a legal responsibility to ensure their children’s physical and emotional well-being. Whether you’re on good terms with your co-parent or going through more challenging times, Plan di Mayor offers a legally sound framework to guide you in establishing a sustainable co-parenting plan. Through our meticulous phases, we facilitate everything from initial conversations to the legal ratification of your co-parenting agreements, ensuring that you fulfill not just emotional but also legal mandates for your children’s care. 

How it works

After completing our comprehensive Parental Assessment Form to help us understand your situation family dynamics we can assess if Plan di Mayor suits you:

Your input sets the stage. A Parental Relationship Assessment helps us tailor the mediation strategy to your unique situation. Even if the relationship is strained, we have mediators who can help navigate these challenges.

  1. Parental Agreement Form: Both parents fill out forms to express concerns and preferences regarding the child’s well-being.
  2. Parental Relationship Assessment: Evaluate the dynamic between the parents to gauge hostility and determine the need for mediation or intervention.
  3. Confirmation Email: You’ll receive an email confirming your submissions and outlining the next steps.

We strive for open, constructive conversation. Even in difficult circumstances, the focus remains on your child’s well-being. Our trained professionals can mediate or intervene as necessary to ensure a productive dialogue.

  1. Co-Parenting Meeting: A scheduled dialogue between both parents in-person to discuss the needs of the child.
  2. Information Exchange: Sharing of pertinent children’s details like medical records or academic performance.
  3. Internal Evaluation: Time for each parent to separately consider the shared information.
  4. Follow-up Discussion: Another meeting to arrive at a preliminary co-parenting strategy and plan. 

We’re at the stage where commitment is crucial. Your co-parenting plan undergoes legal ratification to give it the strength of law, offering additional assurance and protection. From this point, implementation begins to adapt the plan as needed for your child’s evolving circumstances.

  1. Draft Plan: Preparation of a draft co-parenting plan.
  2. Legal Review: Optional legal review to ensure the agreement’s fairness and enforceability.
  3. Legal Ratification: Submission of the co-parenting plan to a court of law for formal approval.
  4. Implementation: Parents start enacting the legally ratified plan.

Assessment Form

Before proceeding with the Plan di Mayor process, it’s essential to complete this Parental Relationship Assessment Form. The information you provide will help us better understand your unique family situation, allowing us to better support you and your children through this transitional period.

All information provided will remain confidential and non-commital between you and Plan di Mayor. Depending on your assessment, this assessment form is for qualification purposes and does not guarantee commitment from Plan di Mayor.  




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